何謂精品咖啡﹙Specialty Coffee﹚?

「精品咖啡」是 1978 年美國 Knutsen Coffee Ltd. 的 Erna Knutsen努森女士,於法國舉行的國際咖啡會議所提出的用語。她所提出的「精品咖啡」(Specialty Coffee)的定義非常單純明確,『Special geographic microclimates produce beans with unique flavor profiles』– 在特別氣候與地理條件下培育出具有獨特風味的咖啡豆。

美國精品咖啡協會 (Specialty Coffee Association on American簡稱SCAA) 的 Don Holly也說:『飲用時決定是不是精品咖啡,好的咖啡要提供給消費者必須經過相當多的程序,必須將全部的程序都維持最高的品質,才能被定義為精品咖啡。』


精品咖啡目前並沒有世界共通的嚴格定義,評鑑基準是由各國的精品咖啡協會自行決定。不過,各國基本上都是以實際品嘗具有明確生產履歷 ﹙Traceability) 的咖啡後,評鑑優劣的方式來評判,大致上具有產地獨特的風味與特徵,讓人留下絕佳印象,這就是高品質咖啡。

成立於 1982 年的美國精品咖啡協會 (SCAA) 定義精品咖啡的評價基準:

1. 乾香氣(Fragrance):是指咖啡烘焙後的香味,或是研磨後的香味。
2. 濕香氣 (Aroma):是指沖煮後咖啡萃取液的香味。
3. 酸味 (Acidity):豐富的酸味與糖分結合能夠增加咖啡液的甘甜味。
4. 醇厚度 (Body):也就是咖啡液的濃度與重量感。
5. 餘韻 (Aftertaste):根據喝下或者吐出後的風味表現,回味的意思。
6. 滋味 (Flavor):以上顎同時享受咖啡液的香氣與味道,便可知道咖啡的風味。
7. 味道是否平衡。


成立於 2003 年的日本精品咖啡協會 (SCAJ)對精品咖啡的定義:『從咖啡豆的生產到實際品嘗的所有過程,都必須經過最妥善的處理,咖啡的風味必須能夠呈現出產地特色。必須完全符合這兩項條件,才能稱為精品咖啡。』

(SCAJ) 訂有8個評項:

1. 乾淨度:咖啡風味沒有缺點或汙損,是品評咖啡品質最初的重點項目。
2. 甜質:藉由與成熟度直接相關的甜質,來判定咖啡櫻桃採收時是否具備最佳的成熟度。
3. 酸質:評斷的不是酸度強烈,而是酸味的品質。評鑑酸味的明亮程度。
4. 口腔觸感:咖啡在口腔裡散發的觸感。是否感覺黏稠,其密度、濃度、質量感、舌頭觸感 是否柔軟等質感。
5. 風味特性:以味覺與嗅覺感受栽培地區的風味特性。是評鑑其為精品咖啡或一般咖啡的最重要項目。
6. 餘味印象:喝完咖啡後口中持續殘留的風味與香氣。
7. 均衡度:咖啡風味中既沒有特別突出的氣味、也沒有不足之處,整體感是否協調而均衡。
8. 總體評價:風味的複雜性、飽滿度、深度、均衡度是否都具備。

精品咖啡品評會 (Cup of Excellence,簡稱COE),是 1999年於巴西成立的國際性品評會,由世界各國的審查員根據當年度採收的咖啡中,精選出品質最高的咖啡。審查員針對乾淨度、甜質、酸度、口腔觸感、風味特性、餘味印象、均衡度等 7 個項目進行杯測後評選,平均得分在 84 分以上者即可冠上「Cup of Excellence」最高榮譽,並透過國際拍賣網站以競拍方式高價賣出。如 2004 年巴拿馬國際拍賣會上大放異彩、一鳴驚人的藝伎(Geisha) 咖啡豆。

以下是美國精品咖啡協會 (SCAA) 網站上對何謂精品咖啡 (What is Specialty Coffee?) 的回答
Specialty coffee can consistently exist through the dedication of the people who have made it their life’s work to continually make quality their highest priority. This is not the work of only one person in the lifecycle of a coffee bean; specialty can only occur when all of those involved in the coffee value chain work in harmony and maintain a keen focus on standards and excellence from start to finish. This is no easy accomplishment, and yet because of these dedicated professionals, there are numerous specialty coffees available right now, across the globe, and likely right around the corner from you.

以前精品咖啡的目光有時聚焦於咖啡生豆的生產過程、有時聚焦於烘焙、有時在出杯;而目前 SCAA似乎打算告訴消費者其實真正送到你眼前的「精品咖啡」是每個環節的共同努力成果,這其實是相對中肯的定義,因為任何一個環節出了差錯,眼前的精品咖啡可能就真的變難喝的爛咖啡。

然而 SCAA 又把生產流程中的重要角色也描述了一遍,讓我們繼續看下去:

Meet the people whose lifework is specialty coffee:

The farmer
Great coffee starts with the PRODUCER whose family likely has spent generations perfecting their approach to farming the highest quality coffee possible. Grown in select altitudes and climates and nursed for years before the first harvest, the producer who creates specialty coffee devotes his or her life to refining and perfecting the highest quality coffee on the planet. For them, it is quality not quantity that is the most important consideration. Only coffees free of defects and picked at their peak of ripeness will continue on to the next hands that will shape them. For the farmer, being able to connect with quality-minded buyers ensures a higher profit option which supports individuals, families and communities around the world.



The Green Coffee Buyer
Green coffee is next transferred to the GREEN COFFEE BUYER who may be certified by the SCAA as a Certified Coffee Taster or the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) as a Licensed Q Grader. They have a palate as distinguished as a sommelier and can keenly identify coffee quality via cupping, or systematic tasting of brewed coffees. Through cupping, the coffee taster can assess a coffee’s score and determine whether it is specialty grade quality, make decisions on which coffees they will include in their offerings, and often develop tasting notes and descriptions for the coffee on its final packaging. The green coffee buyer has a large role in communicating the information about a coffee to the roaster and café staff.

接下來由生豆商接手這些生豆,有些生豆商經過 SCAA 的杯側師或咖啡品質學會 (CQI) 的咖啡品質鑑定師的認證。
透過杯測,杯測人員將為咖啡打分數並判斷哪些符合精選咖啡的品質要求,以決定收購的品項,他們也將分享他們的風味描述在商品包裝中。生豆商提供了大量的資 訊予咖啡烘焙者和咖啡從業人員。

The Roaster
High quality coffees are next transferred to the COFFEE ROASTER who may be certified by the Roasters Guild as having completed numerous hours of coursework and hands-on training to skillfully roast the specialty bean. Coffee roasting is an art that requires a high degree of knowledge and experience to produce specialty level roast profiles. Coffee must be closely monitored during the roasting process and scientific principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics and coffee chemistry must be applied to ensure the highest standard of quality and flavor come through in the final roasted bean.

高品質的咖啡接下來轉交到烘焙師的手裡,有些烘焙師受過美國烘焙師協會 (RG)的認證,完成多時數的烘焙課程和實務操作培訓,以熟練地烘焙精品咖啡生豆。咖啡烘焙是一門藝術,必須擁有豐富的知識和經驗,才能完成精品等級的咖啡烘焙。

The Barista
Once the specialty coffee beans reach the retail environment, they have already passed 3 levels of inspection to ensure an extremely high level of quality control, however the process in not yet complete. The BARISTA, who may be certified by the Barista Guild of America as having completed numerous hours of coursework and hands-on training, is the final coffee professional to guarantee the lifecycle of the specialty bean is completed. Specialty level Baristas are not only highly skilled in brewing equipment operations; they routinely are deeply informed as to the origin of the coffee bean and how it’s flavor profiles will be revealed in brewing . If the specialty bean is not brewed properly it is possible that its true flavor potential could be lost; the Barista ensures each bean reaches its full brewed promise.


The Comsumer
Not expecting to see yourself in this list? In fact, it is the CONSUMER who completes the lifecycle of the specialty coffee bean by actively seeking out and choosing specialty coffee options. When you take the time to find a local coffee bar or roastery that is dedicated to quality, or take an extra moment to learn from your barista about the people whose hands and passion produced the cup you’re enjoying so that you can make more informed choices, you demonstrate not only a commitment to a higher standard of quality of taste and flavor but also a commitment to a higher standard of living for every person who contributed along the way.

當您花時間去尋找當地優質的咖啡館或烘豆廠,更進一步地從咖啡師口中得知:享受一杯精品咖啡是靠著好多人的奉獻與熱情,就能讓你做出更聰明的選擇,你追求 的不光只是咖啡品質和風味的最高標準,還有精品咖啡生產流程中每個角色的精益求精。


Sometimes called “gourmet” or “premium” coffee, specialty coffees are made from exceptional beans grown only in ideal coffee-producing climates.They tend to feature distinctive flavors, which are shaped by the unique characteristics of the soil that produces them.


咖啡教母娥娜.奴森 (Erna Knutsen) 曾經提出過的定義

Special geographic microclimates produce beans with unique flavor profiles.



當然台灣是一個精品咖啡相對發達的地區,目前台灣的大大小小烘焙師(包括咖啡館、烘焙廠、烘焙工作室、個人等),已經超過 3000人,以台灣的人口和面積來說,高得離譜,順理成章成為全世界自家烘焙率最高的地區。

因此我們可能無法理解這個定義有甚麼困難的,畢竟只要有心,要找一個莊園等級的咖啡館並不是很難。可能只要開半小時車,各縣市都能找到一些為精品咖啡耕耘的咖啡館,在一方自己的小天地,烘焙著coe的超高級豆,告訴你眼前這杯咖啡的偉大之處。台灣根本就是精品咖啡最棒的代言人嘛!!!!! 完全符合定義


所以 SCAA 才用這樣的軟性訴求去告訴更多的人們,精品咖啡的真正價值:絕非遠離人群,而是該從消費者反推到生產端,共同追求更高品質的精品咖啡。


